Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Reading a website

F shaped pattern of reading.

  • Usually people read the first upper part of the website,in a horizontal movement.
  • Next they move down the page a bit and read across a second horizontal movement that covers a shorter area.
  • They scan the left side of the website in a vertical movement.
  • Most important information is across the top and down the left side.
People tend to scan website pages,and flick through them rather than taking complete full notice of the content itself. It's better to attract the viewers eye, rather than to give them too much information, as it can become boring, and people prefer to see a imaginative page.

Paragraphs should be kept short, and headings should be big and catchy, as well as the images.Websites need to be easily understood, otherwise the viewer may get confused and bored.

Here are some examples of F shaped pattern of reading


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