Monday, 25 June 2012

Analysis of the previous years music videos

At the start of the year the teachers thought it would be really important for us
to watch and talk about the progress from the last years A2 music video's. This
helped us to think about what we should avoid for our upcoming music video,
as well as things we are expected to do to get the higher marks. The standard
of last years music video's, were overall pretty satisfactory,but they all had
their successes and downfalls. We analyzed all of the music video's created
from last year's A2 group, and this really helped me think about what I should
include in my music video that I will be creating this year.

Group 13B6 whos chosen song is named Ike and Tina were very thoughtful when choosing a
suitable song for their music video. There song is entertaining, with a very catchy beat.
They didn't just get the timing right, when editing, but also created a very imaginative
storyline/music video. The ideas in this music video are creative, and go impressively well
with the song and the lyrics. Throughout their video there was a lot of cuts, flashy light,
exciting colourful edits of people dancing and having fun, which catches the viewers
eye. Also, the choice of star was well chosen, and believable, especially considering he
was very confident, energetic and always pulling a interesting facial expression when lip
syncing. The lip sycing to this song is always on time with the song, and we spoke about
how important that is. The music video was also performance/narrative based, with lots
of editing displaying both performance and editing. Which already tells us that when
there is a storyline equally balanced with a performance in a music video, that it can
be incredible to watch!. This music video has really inspired me to choose a song with
catchy beats, and to think creatively to surprise the audience!.

However 13E8's music video seemed to have a very different approach when making their
music video. They chose a much slower and emotional song, and focused more on narrative
and had very little performance shots. But although this song was much slower than the
previous groups one, the editing in this music video is still done well, and is definitely
in rythm with the song. But this music video doesn't attract the audience in the same way
as the Ike and Tina music video does, and we said how we didn't think somebody would
watch this more than once. This music video focused on a more realistic storyline, which
still enables it to grab the audiences attention, though. Although this video got a good
grade, this hasn't really caught my attention as much as the previous one, and I wouldn't
really considering chosing a song with the pace of 13E8's music video. But overall the
editing and narrative fits really well with the song they chose.

In 13E11's music video, there was a lot of off time editing, and a lot of off time lip-syncing.
This let down the music video and took away its chance of being successful. Also, the
singer didn't fit with the actual voice of the song, and the performance was a bit too weak.
Watching this music video made me realize how important it is to choose the right
people to perform in your music video. If the person doesn't look good with the song, or
doesn't look beliavable as an artist, then it's better to choose somebody else.
It made me think that using a confident,good looking, artist, who has had some sort
of experience infront of the camera, or experience in performing arts. This way, we can
develop a more professinal looking music video.

While discussing the different A2 music video's in class, we came across 13E9's music video who
had made a mistake of using clips from a movie in their music video. The first problem with this is
that it didn't really make sense, the clips had nothing to do with the actual music video, and
it all seemed a little too random. The second problem with this is copyright. No other groups
from last year made the same mistake with copyright, it was all their own material/work. But
group 13E9 didn't think about what the examiner might think, or what the actual owner of the
clips would think as well. Obviously when making my music video, I am going to keep into
account that adding other media sources into it, is not worth it, as the whole point of creating
our own music video in the first place, is to show the examiner our skills and what we can do

In 13B2's music video the star had a guitar at one point, this made her video different and
more unique from the others from last year's A2 music videos. I thought the guitar made
the performance look more interesting, and really think instruments look impressive, if
being played well/properly in a music video. So perhaps when making my music video
I might see if I can find a actor/actress to play an instrument in a confident way.

In most of the music video's, we thought there were good use of shots,camera angles. Each
video had their very own ideas, and techniques, some which worked better than others.
Overall none of them were completely bland, as most of them had a wide range of
locations to shoot at., as well as a variety of shots and shot angles. I feel  that in some
of last years music videos, the locations were too boring and didn't really fit together
with the overall feel of the song. For example in group 13E11's music video, there
was pretty much only one background, or maybe two the whole way through, but
throughout most of the music video it was the same location, which to me
became really repetitive. 13B3 used unique and lots of different locations which
fitted really well with the narrative of their music video.

13B2's star hardly makes any eye contact with the camera, although the shots used are mostly
close-ups of her face but seem to rarely get catch her eyes in the camera, however if she were
to take more notice of the camera that music video would easily get higher marks. From
watching this music video I realized how much difference it makes when a star/actress
doesn't focus on the camera much. The same issue in occurs in 13e9's music video because
the stars don't look at the camera often enough to make it look realistic enough, and it makes me
feel like i'm not watching a real music video. Also in 13E9's music video there are way too
many same location long shots, and the stars don't seem to be getting close enough to the
camera. This was a real let down for some of last years music video, and hopefully for my
music video the actress/actor I choose will be confident enough to make pure eye contact with
the camera.

Some of last years music video were well thought about, as some are very creative, for example
13B3's music video was put together really well, although the song is slow, we want to keep
on watching because there are so many different ideas/creative shots and edits put in there to
keep the audience engaged. For example the ring idea runs throughout it, and we see the
purpose of it at the end which must have been creatively thought through. The piano goes
well with the song, and was also a good idea. So now I will think about using creative ideas
in my music video that keep the audience engaged.

Overall a lot of thought was put into last years work, however the first 3 music videos at the start of the playlist seem more smartly made than the others. 13B5 and 13B6 seemed best in my opinion, and now I really think about it I can see why their groups did better than everybody else. I'm going to conclude that performance and choreography are really important in a music video, as they are hard to get right. Also, the choice of star/song put together was impressive in 13B5 and 13B6's music video's, the stars performed confidently to the camera, made lots of catchy eye contact to address the audience, and both were almost done perfectly. So now I know the important elements in music video, and will take this on board when creating my own!

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