Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Main singer./roles

Main Artist for music video.

 Daniel Walter
The reason why we chose Daniel to play as our main artist in our music video, is because
of the way he looks, not only the way he looks, but also the clothes he owns. Daniel already
has the hair length and colour that we were looking for, he is also just generally a good
looking guy. We thought it would be much quicker if we just took part in the music video.
As our music video is based on a relationship, a sexual one, we are both in it together, as
me and Daniel are currently in a relationship. We didn't manage to find anyone else willing
to be as revealing in the music video, yet me and Daniel are very comfortable and
confident around each other, and on camera. Daniel doesn't mind wearing make-up or
dressing up, this is also a main reason to why I chose him. Daniel is very good at lip
syncing, and knows all the words to the song.
 We're creating a gothic looking male artist, who is known for wearing
make-up. We want to create a unique artist, who looks free, and comfortable
looking different from everyone else. We want him to really stand out, but
at the same time have a memorable star image.

Female Actress for music video  
Lauren Vlahos (me)

I really enjoy wearing make-up and dressing up, for me dressing up a little
bit revealing is ok if it's only for a music video, but that's it. I enjoy acting
and playing different roles. I feel comfortable around Daniel all the time,
and I am not at all embarassed to be in a sexual music video with him.
As long as we achieve the abstract, interesting music video we aim to, 
then it doesn't matter to us, just as long as people enjoy it and find it cool.
I don't mind wearing gothic make-up, and I have a lot of dressing up 
clothes, so this makes the process a lot easier and quicker. We already
have everything we need to achieve the gothic voyeurism style we want.

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